Previously I mentioned SVGKit that is the best open source solution I’ve seen for rendering SVG graphics within core animation.
I’ve also mentioned Qwarkee a commercial solution that can convert SVG graphics to Objective-C code.
Here’s a new solution for taking your Adobe Illustrator art and turning it into Objective-C code called Drawscript from Tom Krcha.
Drawscript is an Adobe Illustrator extension allowing you to copy the code from your shape directly as Objective-C (and also as AS3, Javascript, C++ and raw points). Some users have stated that CS6 is required.
Here’s an image taken from the homepage showing a button and it’s Objective-C code in the extension:
You can download Drawscript through the homepage here.
It’s stated that Drawscript will be open sourced once the beta is done.
Original article: Tool: Adobe Illustrator Extension That Can Convert Shapes Into Objective-C code
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