The TechCrunch Gadgets Podcast: Smartwatches, Apple On The Defensive, And The Nook HD+

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We’re back! After a long hiatus, we’ve started up the TechCrunch Gadgets Podcast, our weekly review of everything hardware. We’ll be talking about hardware startups, flagship gadgets, and the wild and wooly worlds of Apple, Samsung, HTC, and all the rest.

Featuring the TC Gadgets team, this weekly audio podcast will bring you the best we have to offer and comment on the news of the week.

We’re looking for guests! If you’d like to be featured, me a line at [email protected]. We aim to make each of these about 20 minutes long – just right for a commute – and will bring on a rotating cast of TC writers.

This week we talk smartwatches, Apple on the defensive, and the release of the Nook HD+. Enjoy!

Click here to download an MP3 of this show.
You can subscribe to the show via RSS. We’ll a direct iTunes link next week.

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