Barsoom HTML Multiple Purpose Template (Business)

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  • 62 Different Page Types (Including Hanger And No Hanger Versions)
  • 9 Homepage Possibilities
  • Hanger And No Hanger Variaties
  • Endless Color Posibilities
  • Endless Font Posibilities
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Retina Display Support
  • Touch Swipe Support
  • Unlimited Patterns
  • Boxed & Full Width Layouts
  • Premium Sliders
    • Revolution Slider
    • Nivo Slider
    • Bx Slider
  • 6 Portfolio Pages
    • Masonry
    • Four Images
    • Three Images
    • Three Images With Text
    • Two Images
    • Two Images With Text
  • 6 Blog Pages
    • Masonry
    • Full Width
    • Classic
    • Masonry Sidebar
    • Two Col Sidebar
    • News Type
  • Pricing Table
  • Error 404 Page
  • AJAX Powered Contact Form
  • Secure Form Email Processor
  • Skeleton Compatible
  • Logo Maker
  • Video Integration
    • In the Sliders
    • In the Blogs
    • In the Posts
    • In The Sidebars
  • Google Fonts Support
  • 11 Custom Widgets
    • Flickr Photostream
    • Custom Twitter Feed
    • Portfolio Scroller
    • Testimonials
    • Recent Posts
    • Popular Posts
    • Recent Comments
    • Tags Widget
    • Sponsors Widget
    • Clients Widget
    • Services Widget
    • Newsletter Widget
    • Social Widget
    • Links Widget
    • Video Widget
    • Slider Widget
    • Recent News Widget
  • Unique Shortcodes with 100s of Options
  • Twitter, Flickr & Video Feeds
  • PSD Source Files Included
  • PHP Files Included
  • Well Documented
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Built-in Logo Maker
  • Newsletter-ready
  • Recent Posts/ Popular Posts Widget

Please note that the images seen on the live preview are not included in the theme’s files due to copyright privacy issues.


Download Barsoom HTML Multiple Purpose Template (Business)

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