Songdrop – Your Online Music Jukebox

As anyone working in the record industry will attest, virtually all music is now consumed digitally. There is a massive market for digital downloads, but there is also a huge number of music fans who get their fix through streaming sources.

Songdrop is a free service that can be used to access music from all of your favorie streaming sites in one place – no more jumping from site to site. Let’s take a look and see how it can simplify listening to the music you love online.

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The Songs That Saved Your Life

While on the one hand it is great that there are so many sources of streaming music available – YouTube, Vevo, and Soundcloud to name but three – listening to everything you love can be a disjointed affair, as you have to skip from one site to another to find what you are looking for.

Songdrop turns your computer into the ultimate online jukebox.

Songdrop turns your computer into the ultimate online jukebox.

What Songdrop enables you to do is to pull in music from multiple sources and listen to it all in the same play. You can create playlists that include songs from YouTube as numerous other places, and it’s all available at the click of a button.

The service is available free of charge, and features a great online app that rivals its offline counterparts in terms of ease of use. Signing up for an account takes a matter of moments – even less if you are happy to sign in with your Facebook credentials.

Found Found Found

There are various ways in which you can starting using Songdrop to ‘drop’ songs into your account so you can listen to them later and share them with others.  You’ll initially be dropped – if you’ll excuse the pun – into Feeds mode.

Here you can browse through the tracks that have been dropped by other Songdrop users, listen to anything that takes your fancy, and add favorites to your account by click the raindrop icon.

Billed as your online record player, Songdrop has the looks and the stability to become a major source of your music.

Billed as your online record player, Songdrop has the looks and the stability to become a major source of your music.

You can also browse through the drops that are proving most popular, check out what your friends have been listening to and – perhaps most promisingly – subscribed to channels run by your favorite artists so get up to the minute releases.

There’s a nice feature which means that should you decide to link Songdrop to your Facebook account, any artists you ‘like’ on Zuckerberg’s network will be automatically followed for you.

Songdrop is a great platform for artists to promote their works as well as for music fans.

Songdrop is a great platform for artists to promote their works as well as for music fans.

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

But these are not the only ways to find what you’re looking for. There’s also a fairly standard search option available which can be used to find exactly what it is you’re interested in. Search results are fairly YouTube heavy, but plenty of other sources are used as well.

Whether mainstream or obscure, Songdrop does a good job of finding what you’re looking for.

Whether mainstream or obscure, Songdrop does a good job of finding what you’re looking for.

If you’re using Chrome, you can take advantage of an extension which can be used to drop tracks from the likes of YouTube, Soundcloud, Vevo, and Pitchfork as you browse the web.

Chrome users get a great deal thanks to the availability of a browser extension for dropping tracks.

Chrome users get a great deal thanks to the availability of a browser extension for dropping tracks.

But even if you’re using another browser you can use a bookmarklet to grab tracks from the sites you visit and add it to your Songdrop account.

Handsome Devil

As is to be expected of such as tool, there is integration with other social networks. We’ve already mentioned that it is possible to sign up for an account with existing Facebook credentials, but it is also possible to share your favorite tracks through Twitter or to your Songdrop followers.

One of Songdrop’s strong points, apart from being incredibly simple to use, is that there has clearly been a great deal of thought put into the way the service looks and works. Navigation is a delight and working with the mixes and playlists you create is completely intuitive.

Good-looking and easy to use, Songdrop is a great site for music aficionados.

Good-looking and easy to use, Songdrop is a great site for music aficionados.

What Difference Does It Make?

What Songdrop offers is nothing particularly new or innovative, but it has been done very well. More and more people are learning that it is possible to access a world of music on demand without the need to pay a monthly subscription for the likes of Spotify, and this is just one in a long line of online apps that aims to make things as easy as possible.

It is early days for the site, but things are already looking very promising. Already there is a pleasing mix of personal music with a little social twist – it can be used in whatever way you see fit. This may not be a game-changer, but it is immensely pleasing to use and a welcome addition to the genre.

What do you think of Songdrop? How does it compare to other streaming services you’ve tried? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Five bonus points and general kudos to anyone immediately recognizing the artist referenced in the titles!

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