An Open Source iOS Control Allowing You To Create Great Looking Collapsible Lists Without UITableView

I’ve mentioned several open source user interface controls for creating table views with collapsible cells such as the excellent GCRetractableSectionController.

Here’s an open source control that takes a different approach for creating collapsable cells called CollapseClick by Ben Gordon.

CollapseClick works via delegation like UITableView, but is instead a UIScrollView subclass and allows you to stick UIViews directly within the collapsible cells. This gives you a greater amount of freedom as to the content you can have within each cell.

Here’s an image from the readme showing CollapseClick in action:


You can find CollapseClick on Github here.

A really nice control for making collapsible lists.


Original article: An Open Source iOS Control Allowing You To Create Great Looking Collapsible Lists Without UITableView

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