Time – Responsive Website Template (Business)

Time is a powerful multipurpose template suitable for a variety of site types: crative portfolio, big corporate site, personal blog, product-oriented site, video gallery & photo album – you name it.

What makes it special is focus on details: the highest quality code, extended documentation and top notch support. These are the reasons why users come back for my templates.

Template is prepared for a verity of uses.
Tens of page layouts are already prepared, although, it’s built in such way, that you can create new ones easily. You can set any site size, any sidebars sizes and it’s always nicely responsive.

*Both sliders are enhanced and have unique features for the template.

Perfect for presenting key content. Any number of tabs you need. They can be used anywhere on a site.

There are 2 main schemes – bright and dark. You can combine any of them with the leading color of your choice. I’ve prepared a few examples ›

Time is a responsive website template, which means it adapts to the device on which it’s displayed. The theme cares for your content so it looks great on all devices, but you can also decide to show part of a content on one version only, and hide on other.

Retina is a commonly used phrase to describe displays with high intensity of pixels. Regular displays are 72 pixels per inch, while Retina is about 200-300 pixels per inch. Images need to be treated in a special way, so that they look sharp on this kind of displays. Time Template does that, so your site and its content looks perfect on iPhones, MacBooks, and new smartphones.

There are a lot of areas you can use for menus. Each of them is optional but you can use all at once if you want. Every one is responsive, so it works nice on mobiles (as the whole site). Watch examples ›

There are two types of icons included – font icons, which are vector files, so can be scaled to any size without quality loss, and image icons, which are 16×16 px (and 32×32 px for Retina displays) raster files.

…which means, it’s Retina ready, responsive, SEO and social media friendly, HTML5 & CSS3 high-quality and well-documented piece of code.

I’ve used the following resources to built the template:

jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Easing Plugin, MediaElement.js, Fancybox, FlexSlider, LayerSlider, masonry, tipsy, tweet!, imagesLoaded, Selectivizr, Entypo Font, Brandico Font, Koloria Icons Pack by Andy Gongea, pc.de Essen Icon Pack, PC 100 Icon Pack, Flag Icons by GoSquared, Subtle Patterns.

And I’ve used work of the following authors for the demo site:

Blender Foundation, Reel Water Productions, boogy_man, Cristian Bortes, Daniele Zedda, dolgachov, geckostamp, James Vaughan, luisviegas, Marc Edwards, muffet1, Nicki Varkevisser, somadjinn, Swaminathan, szaszlajos, Tomáš Vateha, Victor Camilo, vjeran2001, William Warby, Travel icon pack, and public domain images.

Thank you.


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Download Time – Responsive Website Template (Business)

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