Abstract Login System with API (Project Management Tools)

user side preview (Rocky template): http://myflashlab.com/showcase/PHP_LOGIN_SYSTEM/preview/
user side preview (bootmetro template): http://myflashlab.com/showcase/PHP_LOGIN_SYSTEM/preview/SIMPLE1/
admin side preview: http://myflashlab.com/showcase/PHP_LOGIN_SYSTEM/preview/admin/

Login as a user:
username: user
password: user

Login as an administrator:
username: admin
pasword: admin

This system is not only a Login system! do you have a web application and like to hide some info from others and show some to other ones? don’t know how to code that? or coding it takes time or is expensive?

Or you have a HTML template and like to create a user and admin system for it? Abstract Login System is an answer to all of these.

As we can never know that what kind of information you would need to hide from some users and show what info to registered users or what other functionalities you like your system to have so we actually didn’t create a specific design or pattern for users side to stop getting freedom from you! how is that? API is the response to this…
there’s an API so that you can create your system in any way that you like and control users and create a CMS out of it using the API! how great is that? We have also created two previews for users side to show you that you can actually create anything (I will tell you more about API in next parts)

user side preview (made it to work with our own Rocky template): http://myflashlab.com/showcase/PHP_LOGIN_SYSTEM/preview/
user side preview (made it to work with bootmetro template): http://myflashlab.com/showcase/PHP_LOGIN_SYSTEM/preview/SIMPLE1/

What is it and what it does exactly?

This system has created a ready CMS for you as an admin to control your users, add admins to take control of other parts of your project and also has made a ready newsletter system to distribute different news among admins/users.
If you have a simple web application or a HTML template that like to convert it to a working Control Management system and have users to login and register for different purposes this system works great for you.

The most important thing about the system is that we have made it so clean and clear with API that lets you to use any HTML template and mix it up with the API and the system will work with your template and your own design and elements.
for example you have a HTML template of 5 pages for different purposes and now you need a content management system to manage these pages and show different parts of it to different users… you have the HTML template but don’t have the enough knowledge of PHP programming to do so, the API will easily help you on your way :)

Review API

As I said with our API you can create anything for your users as we can never guess what functionalities you like to give your users…
With API you use your own HTML template and designs and make it systematic with API, that’s why I’m saying an Abstract Login system :)

Log in as an admin and click on API on left tab to review the API, of course when you download the package and see the files with all of the Help Documentations and the comments in files you will find your way so faster… but thought to also give you a link to the API too :)

What you can create with it?

you can create some projects like Article management system, a home social network, private blog/discussion rooms and etc…
Login System has made the things easy for you to simply use it and start such kind of projects but not this time from scratch and ground zero :)

You can also have your own website but also have created a project like the ones I have mentioned, you just link to the login page of the system for users and they will register or login to see your info…


  • API so that you can set the system on any HTML template
  • secure login system
  • login with username or email
  • forgot password
  • password reset
  • easily hide info
  • manage users
  • add/remove/block users
  • manage admins
  • add/remove/block admins
  • newsletter system to send news to admin/users
  • users sign up
  • sign up activation link
  • sign up captcha code spam blocker
  • admin area search engine
  • clean and organize

Basic Features

  • Browser compatible
  • Built on Twitter Bootstrap framework
  • HTML5
  • Clean codes and clear Documentation


Download Abstract Login System with API (Project Management Tools)

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