High Places Church Flyer Template (Church)

The High Places Church Flyer Template is great for any Church Sermon, Concert or event. In this package you’ll find 2 Photoshop file. All text and graphics in the file are editable, color coded and simple to edit. The file also contain 6 one-click color options, for easy editing.

Fonts Used

  1. Niagra Engraved
  2. Prestige Elite
  3. Helvetica

Image Credits

  1. Mountains by OldGreySeaWolf
  2. Mountains by minieffects
  3. Old Castle by danielito
  4. Vilage by missyredboots
  5. Storm by click
  6. Snow Mounatin by Karpati Gabor
  7. Clouds by Julia Starr

Download High Places Church Flyer Template (Church)

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