Simple Updates To Flash Site 2

I have a fairly simple project.

I need someone to make a couple updates to a flash site I’m working on. I have the .fla files you’ll need to make the updates but they’re not uploaded at this point.

Here’s what I need you to do. Where it says “seniors,” I need that to be removed and it to be placed under the “portfolio” menu as the first option in the list.

Just to be clear, when someone clicks on “portfolio,” it should bring up the following list.

When they click on the link, they should be lead to the same place as before.

The second thing I need updated is the email address under “contact.” It’s out of date and needs to be changed.

I need 24 hr or less turnaround on this. If you can’t complete this project in that amount of time, please don’t submit a bid as it’s critical this be completed in 24hrs or less.

If you have any questions, let me know.



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