Finish A Website.

I already have the static website done with all the external pages like the about us, etc. I need to do the following. (btw, my site will be like air* Remove the *) Remember the external portion of the site is done. I also have the design ready(with css-html) for the actual listing pages.

You can check the site here
user admin
pass bling10

I just need the following finished and also things like post a room, registration-signin done

The visitor is able to:
– Property search
– Apartments page view to rent, sale etc
– Wishlist
– reviews system
– booking form to book apartments listed
– search for apartment features in advanced search
– google maps
– Book a property(apartment) for Rent by paying online via paypal
– Confirmation of booking via email notification

Apartment owner
_ receive and respond to messages
– schedule in the listing calender
– receive payments through escrow
– post a room
The admin will be able to:

– View/Manage registered users
– Add Apartments with pricing for Rent
– import/export system (listing, rates, availability)
– View Bookings
– booking calendar
– Reviews system for every listing
– Quick Customer Search (name)

It is pretty much finishing up the complete clone but I have already done the external pages.

I have also attached another doc that gives more details.

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