Website Coding (php/mysql)

Website Specification
Coding for a job listing website specific for students.

Similar features to

• Employers
o Register as a new employer (sign up form)
o Verification and Validation of the form (email confirmation and image confirmation).
o Ability to submit, edit, remove job listings (web form)
o Ability to see how many views job listings that they have posted have received.
• Students
o Register as a new student (sign up form)
o Verification and Validation of the form (email confirmation and image confirmation).
o Ability to view job listings
o Ability to apply to job listings
o Ability to edit profile / update details

• Content Management System
o Ability to send emails to specific groups of students
 By job (bars / shops etc.)
 By location
o Ability to add/edit/remove users/employers
o Ability to administrate sponsorship adverts
o Ability to administrate job adverts
o Web stats for specific adverts

• Site Features
o Search box – employers and job titles and job description

$50 – $225

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