Jailbreak For iOS 6 / 6.1 Officially Enters Private Beta Testing Stage

Pod2g also took to his Twitter account to confirm that the team is now really close to release:

Pod2g: Planetbeing latests posts on reddit regarding that subject. They are really interesting. We’re close to the release! Stay tuned!

The jailbreak, as we have already learned, is compatible with all versions of iOS 6 released hitherto, and supports every device on which the latest release of Apple’s firmware can run. So, once the tool is ready and released to the anxious public, every iPhone from the 3GS upwards, every iPad from the iPad 2, and the fourth and fifth-gen iPod touch will all be jailbreakable – provided they are running some variety of iOS 6.

There are a couple of reasons why this jailbreak has generated quite a bit more hype than other recent jailbreaks, notably the fact that it has taken quite a while following the September release of iOS 6. For a while, it was looking as though we may never see a jailbreak for iOS 6, but credit to the veterans of the jailbreak scene – they have come through and delivered the goods once more.

The untethered nature of the jailbreak means one will not have to connect to a computer every time a device is rebooted or turned off, which makes this jailbreak all the more appealing.

As time has progressed, the tools released for purpose of jailbreaking have become more elegant and user-friendly, and although we anticipate more of the same this time around, we’ll have a relevant guide on hand to help you along the way.

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