Need an experience programer to set up a skinned rtmp player to match existing site(any suitable player) that will play m4v files from our red5 server. Need it to be visually appealing and would like it to have playlist next to it with little images of videos. please don’t say like youtube lets get creative…there are plenty out there we can use and edit.
1. I would like the player to play from a list. The list is automatically loaded based on m4v files in a folder on the red5 server (similar to oflademo). If possible don’t want to restrict the type of files that are loaded…sometimes they may be flv or mp4 or avi.
2. Player needs to be skinned in our website colors played in hd streamed, buffered based on bandwidth..give me some options
3. I will need instruction on how to take raw video turn into a stream/buffered file for red5. Currently just use handbrake and upload.
4. Red5 is working and functioning now. (not sure m4v files).