I’ve mentioned a number of UI controls that could be used to alert the user with a specific message, and most recently I mentioned a control that simply allows you to add a text alert called KGDiscreetView.
Here’s another control created by Moped called MPNotificationView for creating alerts inspired by the alerts shown when receiving a push notification on an iOS device.
You can specify the duration title, detail text, and if desired a thumbnail.
Here’s an image showing the control in action:
You can find MPNotificationView on Github here.
Another great control for providing the user with unobtrusive notification.
- Open Source iOS UIAlertView Control Allowing A High Level Of Customization
- Open Source iOS Control For Making Customizable Circular Progress Views
- Example: Easy Customizable Modal Alerts For iOS Cocos2D Games
- Open Source iOS Control For Easily Creating Partial Views That Can Be Swiped In And Out
- Open Source iOS Control For Creating Springboard Style Icons With Alert Badges
Original article: iOS UI Control Easily Allowing You To Create Alerts Mimicking iOS 6 Notifiication Views
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