Product Review Web Site

I am looking for a web site created that has features of both book reviews and list creation/management.

I am looking for a LAMP based site, not .NET. I assume Apache, PHP, AJAX, MySQL, CSS, and HTML. HTML 5 is ok as I don’t need to support all browsers or anything.

Cost is important as this is a project for myself not a business. That said, I want the developer to spend extra time on making the software maintainable and extensible. I have experience in desktop software development (years ago) and value creating software that is designed well. So looking for a good balance here.

If you are interested, I would like some examples of web sites you have created, e-commerce or social networking ideally. In browsing around ScriptLance, I did see some nicely designed web sites. I did notice that some of the web sites, do a full page refresh even if only part of the content needs to be updated (based on clicking a link for example. I am not sure how/why a site is designed this way, but I am definitely looking for something that doesn’t do that.

There will be a main page and about 6 other “detail” pages. As soon as I can get a scanner, I can post my mockups that I did on graph paper. There are also the standard sign-in, create account and profile pages. Not a huge site, but there is some complexity in keeping track of users and their reviews.

On the design, I do want the program to be what I call “layered”, so that the GUI is separate from the database, so that changes can be made easily. One of my goals is to start working on the site myself for fun and I want to be able to jump in easily and use a well designed code base. Efficient code comments are a plus.

For project acceptance, I would expect all source and scripts necessary to install and run the software on my server. Especially for the database schema, I want a script or have it in the program. I want to be able to do a clean install with a setup document and scripts.

As I mentioned, I once I start to get some interest, I will be able to send you the mock up screens (need to borrow a scanner!). I am flexible on the GUI pages and do value your feedback, so I expect that we will be exchanging a few messages as you review each screen and determine how the whole system should operate.

Look forward to finding a great programmer!

And please don’t just reply “…sounds like a perfect job, we are ready to start…”…ask me some questions, show me an example of a project you did and why you liked it…show me that you read my project details 😉


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