WIN FREE VIDEO COURSE (Normal Price $47) – Complete Guide to Outsourcing Website and Mobile Apps

After the huge success of our earlier giveaway we have  teamed up with the guys from Udemy!

This time 25 lucky winners stand a chance to win a copy of Adarsh Menon’s Video Course: Complete Guide to Outsourcing Website and Mobile Apps

Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky Winners.

Overview of Video Course:

  • Do you have an idea for a great new mobile app and need someone to build it for you?
  • Are you looking for a web designer to redo your web site?
  • Are there features you would like someone to add to your website?
  • This course will teach you how to get of these done by experts for a fraction of what it would normally cost you locally!
  • Normal price $47 but you can get it for free, if you win the contest!
How to Enter?

All you need to do is leave us a comment below this post to let us know why, or why not,  you would outsource the development of your website or app.  It’s that simple.


The contest will close on 3/09/12 at Midnight. Winners will be contacted by email, so be sure to use your real email address when you comment!

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