Supr – Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

About Supr – Responsive Admin Template

Supr is a full admin skin based on popular Twitter Bootstrap framework. With many jquery plugins, custom elements and more.Template looks good in any device. Please rate my template if you like.

Key Features

Beautiful charts

Awesome wizard – with validation.

Nice looking notifications

Fast Buttons with notification

Circular sliders

Nice Offline page and error pages

Full feature list

  • Responsive design
  • 2 columns layout ( sidebar and mainContent )
  • Integrated flot charts – Lines , bars and pies, with auto update content and tooltips.
  • Jquery sparklines ( bars, lines, pies ),
  • Form Elements
    • Text fields – password, readonly , tooltip , placeholder, disabled input field , predefined value, max lenghts, tags, simple text area, auto grow text area, text area with limiter, WYSIWYG Editor, masked input fields
    • Custom check boxes
    • Custom radio buttons
    • Iphone like style checkboxes and radios.
    • Selects – simple select, select with filter, select with search fields, multi select, dual multi select, multi select with filter.
    • Spinners – normal spinner, with currency, with steps, Spinner with decimals and step.
    • Color picker
    • Date picker – normal , inline.
    • Time picker.
    • Form wizzard with steps and validation.
    • Validation – required field, min lenght, max lenght and etc all types.
  • Typography- Headings, links, tags, cursive text, underline text, color text – 5 predefined colors, blockquote, codeview, 14 list types with custom icon and colorsĀ , badges and labels.
  • Grid system – Fluid grid system 12 columns.
  • Tables – static and dynamic. ( Tables are responsive too).
  • Galleries – with pagination, pretty photo support and delete.
  • Calendar – simple as widget and with drop items.
  • Icons – 400+ font-face icons ( any color or size ).
  • Buttons – normal buttons, small buttons, big buttons, buttons with icons, buttons with notification, buttons with status change, different states.
  • Notification – Pines notification and static notification ( 5 types – normal, success, error, info, warrning).
  • Tooltips and popovers.
  • Ui dialogs and modals.
  • Paginations and breadcrumb.
  • Ajax loaders -more that 30 types.
  • Progress bars – simple ,animated with delay, updating in every 2 seconds, 5 colors.
  • Sliders – simple , range slider, minimum value , maximum value, circular typ ( all are touch friendly).
  • File manager with upload and only uploader.
  • Widgets:
    • Default widget container.
    • Closed by default
    • Collapsible
    • With icons
    • With loaders, badges and labels.
    • With progress bars
    • With search fieldsĀ 
    • With sparklines.
    • With buttons and checkboxes
    • With gradient header style.
    • With tables , checkboxes and mass action button.
    • Calendar widget.
    • Todo list.
    • Vital stats
    • Reminder widget
    • Spark line stats.
    • Send Private messages widget.
    • Gallery view.
    • Recent Activity.
    • Recent users.
    • Wizzard with steps.
    • Contact widget.
    • Messages layout.
    • Typeahead widget.
    • Carousel widget.
  • Error pages – 403,404,405, 500,503, offline page.
  • All twitter boostrap features are integrated too.

Download Supr – Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

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