JPhotolio: Responsive Wedding Photography WP Theme (Photography)

JPhotolio is premium responsive wordpress themes for Wedding Photographer.
This themes provide everything that you need to “WOW” your visitor
with your photo, video, or even music.
JPhotolio let you have unlimited size of portfolio
with unlimited probability of style & color schema
Not only that, it’s also provide very easy way your visitor get in touch with you.
From Integration with Google Direction,
Ajax Contact form with Professional Email notification,
and also we integrated Google SMTP .

Front slider with Video support

Front slider not only for showing your best image.
Its also support video, so if you wedding videographer,
this themes is perfect for you with video support every page.

Unlimited Portfolio Size & built in LIKE function

Your portfolio is too big / to small? don’t worry, this themes will let you define how big is your portfolio.
you will also have plenty option for portfolio, tile layout (masonry / normal),
tile expanded mode, inline / theather mode, item load transition, and also this portfolio support
image gallery, video (youtube, vimeo, html5 video), also html5 audio

90+ style & color option, 500++ google font with Variant

We provide plenty option for changing style and option. You can change entire website style to match your personality.

Style / Skin Manager

Never afraid to change style. We provide style manager so you will able to save your previous style.
And you also able to create another style for different occasion with out affecting other style.
This feature is very helpful if you want to change style regularly and revert back to other style instantly.

Easy translation

If you don’t understand how translation work in wordpress, don’t worry! this themes provide you very easy translation.
you can control all translation right from your admin themes option.

iOS Friendly

This themes also very iOS friendly. We provide uploader for Touch Icon,
so you can easily access your website right from your
home screen. Swipe, pinching gesture also supported.

Unique Contact Design.

We build very unique contact page. With Fullscreen google maps and integrated google direction,
your visitor will easily get in touch with you.

Professional Email Notification.

We believe this website is not only for showcasing your portfolio.
By attracting your visitor with your portolio, you will need next arsenal to get client more confidence to hire you.

Email notification is one of army to keep your client confidence to hire you.
Your email notification will look more professional with HTML email notification.
we also provide HTML email template that you can change as you will.

Powerfull Admin Setting

You can easily manage setting of your website with this admin setting.
Drag & Drop element, color picker, easy turn off option, and other option to easily your work.

Feature :

  • Compatible for WordPress 3.4.1
  • Front Slider with video support
  • Fully responsive
  • Ability to turn off responsive
  • Filterable portfolio
  • Unlimited Portfolio size
  • Masonry & Normal Portfolio
  • 2 Type Portfolio Expand Mode
  • Built in like (vote) function for portfolio
  • Youtube, Vimeo, Self Hosted Video & Music Type
  • 90+ style & color option, 500++ with variant google font + Style / Skin Manager (build your own skin)
  • Shortcode Generator (Grid, Toogle, Accordion, Tabs, Dropcaps, Highlight, Button, etc)
  • Very Easy translation
  • .po & .mo included
  • Touch Icon Support
  • iOS Web Apps Capable
  • Touch Device Friendly
  • Multiple Address Contact with Google Direction
  • Professional Email Notification
  • Easy Google SMTP
  • 29 Social Icon, 93 Navigator Icon, 140 Icon.
  • Easy Shortcode (Shortcode Generator)
  • Powerfull Admin Themes Option
  • Powered By HTMl 5 History
  • PSD Included


First of all, thank you for your interest with our themes. If you need technical support and have any question, we provide
support forum.

Images used in the Demo

All images used in the demo are not distributed with the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner

Download JPhotolio: Responsive Wedding Photography WP Theme (Photography)

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