Weekly Poll: Could you Live Without Web Apps?

It seems strange today to use a computer without an internet connection. In the days of dial-up, it was almost unheard of to have an always-on internet connection, but today, with WiFi, cellular internet, and faster-than-ever wired connections, we spend hardly a minute of our day unplugged from the internet. Even most modern operating systems assume you’ll have an internet connection, and it’s nearly impossible to install even many native apps without an internet connection.

That makes us wonder if you could live without web apps. Could you go a day without Gmail, Google Docs, Basecamp, CloudApp, Evernote, or any of the other dozens of web apps we rely on every day? What if you let yourself use the internet to read and find info, and perhaps download and activate native apps, but didn’t let yourself use any web apps? Would that work? Paul Miller might be living without the internet entirely, but I’m not sure most of us could.

Could you?

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