LangQuery – PHP Multiple Language Class with Param (Miscellaneous)

I’ve looked everywhere for language classes before writing this class but I realized there is no class doing everything i need as easy as in my head.
So I started to write easiest and the best possible language class and I think this class will be number one language class.

Features :
Super Easy
Super Fast
One line code Setup
Auto Remember Language
Auto Detect Browser Language
Parameter Support
.ini Based Language Files
Integrated Change Language Feature
Returns String or In-line Echo Feature

Example Code


$L=new LangQuery();
// All Setup is ONLY ONE LINE
// Browser language detected and loaded if available
// Write Hello World
// Write Hello World Easier - In-line Echo Feature
// You don't have to write echo. Just add '>'
// Use in Strings
echo("Hello Universe. {$L('hello_world')} Hello Europe");
// Write my age with parameter
// Write my name and age with parameters


Download LangQuery – PHP Multiple Language Class with Param (Miscellaneous)

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