pbSocialNetworks Pro – Social Integration / Stats (Social Networking)

pbSocialNetworks Pro is a powerful WordPress Plugin that helps you to integrate social netwok buttons and track your social media campaign with special statistics!

Include Facebook’s Like and Recommondation Buttons as well as Google’s +1 and Twitter’s Tweet Buttons with just a few clicks. Additional Sidebar Widgets for Facebook and Twitter make your site truly social. With support for Open Graph protocol, this plugin is the all-in-one solution for your WordPress Blog

» Social Network Buttons
» » Facebook Like / Recommend Button
» » Google+ +1 Button
» » Twitter Tweet

» Shortcodes for
» » Facebook Like / Recommend Button
» » Google+ +1 Button
» » Twitter Tweet

» Widgets
» » Facebook Activity Feed
» » Facebook Like Box
» » Facebook Recommendations
» » Facebook Subscribe Button
» » Twitter Last Tweets

» Open Graph protocol
» » Metabox for Settings in each Page or Article
» » Preview-Image for Articles and Pages
» » Extensive Support for different OG Metadata

» Statistics
» » Statistics for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
» » Statistics for Facebook like Button, Twitter Tweet Button, Google +1 Button

» Automatic Update-System
» Support

Social Network Buttons
All these Social Network Buttons are fully customizable and can be automatically displayed above or below Articles and Pages, if you want that otherwise you can include the buttons manually with Shortcodes.

The Shortcodes can be used in Articles, Pages, Custom-Post-Types and of course in your Theme with the do_shortcode() function. And the Behavior of the Shortcodes generated Buttons is also adjustable over the Graphical Settings-Page.

pbSocialNetworks Pro has some new great Sidebar Widgets for your Blog:

» Facebook Activity Feed
» Facebook Like Box
» Facebook Recommendations
» Facebook Subscribe Button
» Twitter Last Tweets

All these Widgets come with a lot of settings to customize it.

Open Graph protocol
“The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook.” (http://opengraphprotocol.org/)

pbSocialNetworks Pro has an extensive support for the most used Open Graph Metadata and a lot more. You can set up your Open Graph Metadata for the whole site and specify it in each Article or Page.

With Open Graph you get a better visibility in Social Networks like Facebook as other Websites without Open Graph.

pbSocialNetworks Pro has a two Part Statistics System: The fist Part tracks all Traffic you receive by Social Networks like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

The second Part tracks only visitors who come over links by the Social Buttons like Facebook like, Google +1 or a Tweet by the Tweet Button.

With this two Channel System you can easily track your Social Media Campaigns and the Activity of your Users with the Social Button Tracking.

pbSocialNetworks Pro has a fully automatic Update-System, when I release a new Update you don’t need download the Update on CodeCanyon and reinstall. You can Update the Plugin directly in your WordPress Update Panel.

The Plugin itself is fully Multilanguage compatible and supports english and german. If you need more languages you can easily translate it yourself with the .po files (http://www.poedit.net/).

The Social Network Buttons has Language Options too.

I’ve developed pbSocialNetworks Pro with a lot of fun and love. If you have some Questions, Problems or Bugs found then you can use a Support-Form directly in the Plugin: pbSocialNetworks > Support.

» WordPress 3.0 or newer

Download pbSocialNetworks Pro – Social Integration / Stats (Social Networking)

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