Ultimate HTML5 Video Puzzle (Media)

Normal Puzzles are too easy for you? The brandable HTML5 Video Puzzle is an interactive puzzle game created with jQuery and the HTML Canvas & Video Element. It splits a video or an image into several pieces, shuffles them and the user has to put them back into the correct order. It is not as easy as it sounds! This script can be used for creating a tricky and engaging landing page or just another game site for your website portfolio.

Customization Options

  • animate pieces or not
  • pieces per row
  • pieces per column
  • your image or video
  • what happens after the user finished the puzzle (you can specify a callback function which gets the game duration passed)

This product contains two versions:

  • a version with it’s JavaScript code hidden in an image to make the copycats life harder
  • a version using just the normal minified JavaScript code

The HTML5 Video Puzzle works in modern web browsers such as the current versions of Firefox & Google Chrome. It uses jQuery and the HTML5 Canvas and Video element in order to render the puzzle pieces. The product is not supported on mobile devices for now, but there will be an update if there is enough demand for a mobile version.

Download Ultimate HTML5 Video Puzzle (Media)

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