Advanced Directory Indexing (Miscellaneous)

Key Features

  • Automatically create directory listings
  • Works with Apache’s mod_autoindex
  • No need to copy files into each folder
  • Sort files and folders by name, size or last modified time
  • User friendly
  • Light weight
  • Uses CSS3

The default directory listing page is not very nice to look at and if like me you want a place to put various files and have them easy to navigate then this is the perfect script to do that ! It replaces the default directory listing with a completely custom one which has a much more user-friendly and visually appealing interface.

NOTE : Before buying this item please make sure you review the installation instructions, it requires server access that most shared hosting providers do not allow.

A demo can be found at

The documentation included with the script can be seen here

If there are any problems with this item, the best place to ask is in the forum as I check that at least once a day.

Download Advanced Directory Indexing (Miscellaneous)

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