WordPress Data Fetcher – WP Plugin (Advertising)

WordPress Data Fetcher is a wordpress plugin that fetch and display items from all Envato Marketplaces, yes in all their 9(nine) Marketplaces, namely

  1. activeden
  2. audiojungle
  3. themeforest
  4. videohive
  5. graphicriver
  6. 3docean
  7. codecanyon
  8. tutorials
  9. photodune

So if you have item each of those marketplaces above you can display those all in one place or in your site by using shortcodes or widget.

By using this plugin you can choose 3 ways to display your items by using Slider, Widgets and Default view like in their site with preview image on hover, of course all has an individual settings, so if you only want to display single item, categorized items or multiple categories no problem.

This plugin also has a built-in Referral program, you not only earn in selling of your items you also you earn money from Envato referrals.

Not an Authors?

No problem, you don’t need to be a marketplace author to use this plugin, after installing this plugin set your username and you’re done, you will earn up to 30% referral, for more information about the Envato Marketplaces referral their Affiliate Program page.


  • Can add unlimited number of items
  • Can display single item
  • Can display items in single or multiple categories
  • Display items using shortcode or widgets
  • Pagination support
  • Ability to limit the number of description to display
  • Support pop-up preview on hover
  • Preview image slider
  • Items thumbnail widgets
  • Capability to tag user on all items
  • Capability to display and remove tags items
  • Very easy to install
  • No coding required
  • Uses the official Envato API and OO code so the plugin runs smoothly


Version 1.5.0 - 7/23/2012
- Added preview image slider
- - Ability to change number of slides
- - Ability to change slide width and height
- - Ability to change effects and many more
- - Added item thumbnails widget
- - Ability to select number of thumbnails
- - Ability to change thumbnail size
- - Ability to change number of columns and many more
- Capability to tag user on all items
- Capability to display and remove tag item
- Fixed minor bugs

Version 1.0.0 - 7/09/2012
- Can add unlimited number of items
- Display envato items
- Capability to display single items
- Capability to display multiple categories
- Capability to display preview image on thumbnail hover
- Ability to limit the number of description to display
- Display items using shortcode
- Pagination support
- Referral Links
- Initial Version

Download WordPress Data Fetcher – WP Plugin (Advertising)

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