Best Resources In iOS Development – July 30th, 2012

Welcome to another listing featuring the most popular new resources on this site from the past week in order of popularity.

This week’s top listings include a control for creating paper fold animations between views, a Ruby script for creating web services from Core Data models, and a great framework for adding photo filtering into an app.

Here are the resources:

Open Source Control For Easily Creating Paper Folding Transitions Between UIViews – A control for creating touch responsive paper folding style transitions between views.

Automatically Generate A RESTful Web Service Based On A Core Data Model (Ruby Gem) – A Rack based ruby gem that allows you to automatically set up a RESTful web service for your Core Data models.

Open Source iPhone Framework For Applying Photo Filters W/An Elegant Selection Interface – A framework for creating photo filtering within an app including a custom control for filter previewing and selection.

Open Source iOS UIImageView Category Adding Easy Asynchronous Image Downloading – A library that adds image downloading with error checking so you can easily place images from the web in a UIImageView.

Open Source Control For Making Great Looking Overlay Menus – A great control for making animated iconized overlay menus with selection and highlighting.

Open Source iOS Control For Making Customizable Circular Progress Views – A control for easily making circular progress views with customizable size and color.

Example: Creating Cocos2D Text With The Classic RPG Auto-Typing Effect – A Cocos2D source code example showing how to make the old school RPG effect of auto typing text great for storytelling.

Example: Creating A Pinch To Reveal Animation With iOS’s UIKit – A slick example of a pinch to reveal picture doorway effect based on the Boeing app.

You can suggest a resource or news to feature on this site by submitting it here.

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