A Fresh Look at UserReport, Pitch-Perfect Surveys

Not long ago, I took an in-depth look at a new interesting website feedback app called UserReport. It came with everything a webmaster would need to effectively get feedback about their website to allow them to make important changes that benefit users and overall just ensure that users were satisfied with the website itself. Recently, its launched several new updates that make the app even more user-friendly and as such, I thought it’d be worth taking another look.

Read on to find out more about UserReport’s new and updated features!

The Survey Editor

For an app that focuses primarily on using surveys to get user feedback for webmasters, as you would expect, they offer a very useful means of creating and customising the surveys that the end user is shown. The old version of this wasn’t that easy on the eye, but the new survey editor definitely doesn’t disappoint. The survey editor now looks incredibly sleek and allows users to edit and add their own questions to ensure that the best and most accurate results can be gathered within the incredibly useful app.

Survey Editor Questions

Survey Editor Questions

UserReport uses the information taken from these surveys to build up a good profile of each user that completes the survey and due to this, a few of the questions can’t be disabled as they are the basis for the app’s stats. However, it does provide the option of disabling most of the other questions if you don’t believe that they’re suitable for the sort of information you’d like to get from them. Overall, you can be sure that the user only gets asked the questions you think are most beneficial.

Managing Active Questions

Managing Active Questions

Adding Questions

If you’re serious about getting really useful feedback from your website users, you’re no doubt going to want to ensure that the questions within the survey are as tailored to your specific site as possible. For that reason, UserReport allows custom questions to be created within the app – a move that can prove to open some doors for those looking for as much detailed feedback as possible.

Adding a New Question

Adding a New Question

When adding questions, the UserReport survey editor provides a very thorough way of adding questions that work within the context of the survey as a whole. After adding a question, answers can then be provided so that users can choose the relevant option and the app even provides short or detailed templates of the sort of answers that are best suited to that question. As a whole, this makes it incredibly easy to tailor the question itself around the scope of answers and overall provide a better insight.

Answer Templates

Answer Templates

Question type can then be defined to ensure that if it’s a personal question, it isn’t shown too early on in the survey as this can often discourage users from completing it. The next setting within this set of options allows chained questions to be asked. This ensures that the question is only shown if a certain answer or set of answers have been chosen in a previous question – allowing only relevant questions to be given to the user.

Chaining Questions

Chaining Questions

Overall, the survey editor is a big improvement on the previous version and aesthetically, it looks a lot better. Though I didn’t focus much on this particular area in my past review, it’s clear to see that UserReport as a whole has this area figured out and certainly knows its stuff when it comes to encouraging webmasters to choose the best questions to get a pitch-perfect insight into the thoughts of their visitors.

New Look Surveys

Another feature that UserReport has completely overhauled is the design of the surveys themselves and provided a very different experience for users completing them. The new survey has been designed to ensure a visually-pleasing experience for the user which altogether ensures that they aren’t overloaded with questions when all they want to do is get the survey over and done with as quickly as possible. Let’s be honest, none of us like filling out surveys but personally, if I think it will make a site or service better, I’m usually willing to provide my opinion providing it doesn’t take up too much of my time.

Revamped Survey Interface

Revamped Survey Interface

The UserReport approach to this is really interesting as it provides users with the questions they are completing one at a time and with a single click, pushes that question down where they can easily browse their answer in comparison to the other respondents. All in all, I personally think that the surveys look great on the eye and aren’t tedious to complete.

Weighing It Out

Altogether, I found the new features of UserReport to be very beneficial to the service as a whole. The app already provides a great service (as I’ve detailed in my previous review), and by raising the standards of these other overlooked sections of the app, the result is an experience that makes getting feedback a breeze for both the person creating the surveys and the ones completing them.

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