Tutorial: Parsing HTML On With The Objective-C LibXML Wrapper Hpple

In the past I’ve written about parsing XML and JSON data, but nothing specifically on scraping HTML pages.

Here’s a tutorial that demonstrates the process of scraping data using LibXML whi is included with iOS with an open source Objective-C wrapper known as Hpple that is inspired by Hpricot HTML parser.

In this tutorial by Matt Golloway you’ll learn:

– How to come up with the Xpath syntax to direct the parser to the data you’re looking for
– How to set up your project with LibXML and Hpple
– How to scrape the data with Hpple
– How to display that data in a tableview

You can find the tutorial here.

You can find the repository for Hpple on Github here.

A nice simple guide to parsing HTML on the iOS platform.



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