- Package name: Legendary Zigzag Drawing
- Software version: Photoshop CS5
- Copyright: June 15, 2012
- Author: Charles Brown
- Items: – ATN , PAT, ABR , GRD file
- Complexity: Well-labeled ‘ACTION’ operation and easy to modify to suit your need. – Renders 2 parts: FINAL IMAGE and COMPRISING ELEMENTS (TOTAL EDITABLE EFFECTS ) – This action will duplicate the main document before rendering the image effect thereby leaving your main document (design) intact in case you want to modify it and render it again.
- -Neon (Without glow brush)
- -Neon (With glow brush)
- -Mechanical pencil
- -Wooden pencil
- -Marker
- -Crayon
- -Chalk (Soft)
- -Chalk (Hard)
- – High details preservation
- – Unbeatable quality result
- – Totally unique and vibrant color coordination
- – Ultimate edge trace
- – Powerful zigzag drawings
This package contains the very best of neon, pencil, marker, crayon, and chalk zigzag drawings.
These actions are entirely unique, unbeatable, and breath-taking Photoshop effects unlike anyone
you have ever used. This bundle undergoes superior edge trace and ultimate detail preservation.
There are a good number of mechanical sketching techniques that were applied to these actions.
Grab it now and see for yourself!
No skill is required – just 1 CICK away.
We are determined to give you nothing but the best! Go for the best!