GChecker – SOFTPAE Google position checker – Easy to use position checker with statistics, graphs, email reports and virtual cron!
Forget for any “unfinished” Google position checking scripts, right now, here is the first complete position checking app – script, that give you all function you need to monitoring your current positions at Google! The GChecker – SOFTPAE Google position checker is an easy to use multiuser position checker script to automaticaly check positions of your website’s keywords in Google SERP (with ip antiblocking mechanism!). This tool is very interesting tool for all SEO /SEM/Webdesign companies that want extend their websites or services by this popular tool.
This is a very complete script, where you can upload keywords (string list, csv), run checking periodicaly (every 7 day, configurable), show statistics for all pages (urls, keywords) includes, declines, top 3, top 10, top 50 positions, etc. You can see actual and previous positions, differences, summary graph for last 10 checkings, engine is sending emails with fresh results after complete all checking, etc.
Of cource, here is the possibility to manage users/clients, add it, change it or detele it, everything you want, including make it superadmin to manage other users. Here is a virtual cron tool that is usable to run this script without real cron, eg for servers without possibility to setup real cron. And – all of this, is packed to an all in one well designed and usable package. See demonstration video bellow…
This is the tool you want to have!
Demonstration video:
Live Demo
You can find demo site of GChecker at http://apps.softpae.com/gchecker/
Improved manual and corrected install.sql file .. download before you do installation if you have first version of GChecker here.
Features included in GChecker – Google position checker:
- Easy to install and configure (read installation manual bellow),
- !!! AntiBlocking mechanism to prevent blocking from Google !!! you do not need any proxy servers!,
- Prepared for working in subfolder!,
- Users/Clients managements,
- Checking keywords in Google SERP , Domain checking,
- Import keywords by list or csv file,
- Adjustable “checking’s” domain for all keywords or separately, one by one,
- Very good statistics, graphs, summary of last 10 checkings,
- Configurable email reporting,
- New XML /XSLT core (engine/templates),
- Easy to use tabbed interface,
- Well coded, advanced code, etc ..
- PHP5
- curl PHP extension enabled
- Optionaly cron
- Know how to upload files to your website (eg: with FTP )
- Optionaly some HTML /CSS knowledgeto style look & feel to your needs.
Installation and Configuration:
- Unzip the file from CodeCanyon
- Upload extracted files to your website (eg: to new /gchecker/ folder)
- Prepare (create) and empty MySQL database with appropriate user
- Set up user, database and cron informations to configuration file in /System/Plugins/configuration.php
- Set write access rights to /System/Plugins/ folder
- Run DB installation by open http://yourwebsite.com/gchecker/install.php (replace yourwebsite.com with URL of your website)
- Set up cron to be keywords checked periodically (optional, recommended – or use virtual cron after log in on Tools tab)
- Open your GChecker page by going to http://yourwebsite.com/gchecker/ and log in by admin/admin (replace yourwebsite.com with URL of your website)
- Add new users/clients, configure account information, change password, update email, import your keywords etc. – see User Manual bellow
- Done!
See detailed installation informations in your downloaded zip file.
User Manual
*** Administration *** ********************** 1. Log in to Google Checker by your administrator username and password (default admin/admin) 2. Go to Administration tab, setup standard user account for your client(s) 3. If you do not use standard cron to periodically run checker engine, go to Tools tab and start virtual cron 4. (You can use you administrator account like any other standard account) *** Standard user - client *** ****************************** 1. Log in to Google Position Checker by your username and password 2. Go to Import tab and setup keywords for checking 3. You can import csv file with list of keywords and domain to checking or copy and paste this list to textarea, click "Import" to import it - one keyword + domain (optionaly) per line, eg: seo analyzer;softpae.com - this will check position of domain "softpae.com" for keyword (phrase) "seo software" - or: seo analyzer - if you omit domain, the URL from your account setting will be used 4. You can check your current/imported keywords/domains bellow the input form 5. Wait while checking engine process keywords (check status of cron on Tools tab, 25 keywords every 5 min is checked) 6. Go to Results tab to see detailed report of keywords, reload it occasionally while you don't see all results 7. Go to Daily Statistics tab to see some interesting statistics and graphs 8. At Account tab you can change your user settings (eg. email, URL of your base domain, password) 9. Log out
The next step
You can extend this tool by using our SEOLyzer – Search Engine Optimization Analyzer!
Working on:
This script is incoming:
- GogooooSE MySQL Edition – true fulltext search engine script (SQLite3 version here)
- SmallSense – Google AdWord/AdSense clone with easy implementation to GogooooSE search script
- XMLWebCore – Awesome website construction framework
- Some WordPress / OpenCart templates
You can find demo site of GChecker at http://apps.softpae.com/gchecker/
SOFTPAE .com is a small and very smart development company from Slovakia. We do website programming, search engine optimization, marketing, advertising.
If you want any customizations, contact us at magic (at) softpae.com.
Others things from us:
- SEOLyzer – Search Engine Optimization Analyzer Easy to use SEO Analyzer script with keyword density analysis and Google PageRank checking,
- GogooooSE – Superior Fulltext Search Engine Script with spelling, keywords highlighting, boolean search and more,
- SuperSlide Accordion Menu v 1.0 – small, pure Javascript/CSS/HTML Accordion Menu
Rate us if you love this/ours scripts :o) Thank you!