‘Loner’ made explosives at home

Donatien Chamchawala

A man who admitted making highly dangerous explosives in his kitchen has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act by a judge at Cardiff Crown Court.

Counter terrorism police visited the home of Donatien Chamchawala, 31, in Blackwood, Caerphilly, after children found a tripwire in his garden.

Police described him as a dangerous loner with a hatred for other people.

Judge Nicholas Cooke QC said he had an obsession with explosives and ordered indefinite detention.

The judge said his mental disorder and the explosives’ obsession was clearly a dangerous combination.

Earlier this year, Cardiff Crown Court was told Gwent Police found a modified starting pistol in a wash basket at the top of the stairs at his home in April last year.

The hearing was told the barrel of the starting pistol had been removed but the weapon was still capable of firing a round.

Police said they did not believe he was part of any terror organisation.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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