Today, our computers and mobile devices house many stunning icons that often influence our desire to use a certain application or open a folder. The icons in our machines are practically part of our lives as we see them almost everyday. It is never a bad idea to customize these icons in order to make them even more appealing than they already are.
The icons below are only a few of the many beautiful design pieces people have created for your enjoyment. Replacing application or folder icons is amazingly easy to do, so don’t hesitate to use any of these free and sexy looking icons.

Hyper Realistic HD Icons
131 shiny “hyper realistic” icons that are perfect if you want to change all your default folders to this set of icons. There are plenty of different colors and symbols to go around, so if you need to change up your music or dropbox folder icons, you are good to go.

Workspace Icons
Want to change your movies icon to look like a bowl of popcorn? This is your chance. This glossy set of icons is super stylish and the detail is perhaps the sweetest aspect of all. There are 10 icons total.

iWork Icons
If you feel at home in an office, these fancy iWork icons are gonna fit right on your desktop quite elegantly. There are only seven of them, but the notebook style can be great for various folders.

Torrent Icons
Are you a fan of torrents? Are you an anonymous fan of torrents? Well, even if you are or not, these icons look amazing. The green sphere looks very futuristic and it is absolutely a great substitute for the standard downloads folder.

WREN is another beautiful and extremely detailed set of icons that would look great on any computer. I love the minimalistic look and feel. That, added with a hint of technology makes up for an amazing icon design.

Finder Replacement Icon
Finder is a good friend to us Mac users, you probably deal with Finder more than you think. Change the look of its icon with this set for a happier or sadder face.

Chromium Icon
If Chrome icons don’t satisfy you, take a look at this beautifully crafted icon. The detail on it makes it seem outrageously realistic. It would be nice to have something like it sitting next to your computer on your table, but you’ll have to settle for it being on your desktop.

Business Suitcase Icon
This icon would look amazing on any type of desktop, especially on a business styled desktop. Perhaps placing this on your “work” folder will make you want to work more.

Aqua Apps
The Aqua icon set takes the look of the iChat icon and expands it to a few other app icons you may be familiar with. If you would like to have your messenger apps all look the same, this is the one for you.

Concept Watch Icon
Concept Watch icon is probably not going to replace any of your current icons, but that doesn’t matter. This icon is amazing; the detail on it is great and it would look superb on your desktop or wrist if it were real.

Launchpad Icon
Want to change the look of the Launchpad icon? Take a look at this very shiny and very sexy looking icon. Try it out free of charge.

Lens HD
If photography is your thing, have a look at this marvelous looking lens. I’m no photography expert, but I know a good photographer loves a great lens.

Google Chrome Icon
Some of us don’t like how some application icons look, or maybe we just want to change them up a little. This icon is made to change up your Google Chrome icon.

App Store Icon
iTunes and the Mac App Store app share the same icon design, but they are probably not as great or as detailed as they could be. If you want to change how the Mac App Store icon looks, you can use this one. If you check the creator’s page, you’ll even find a complementary look to iTunes and even more great icons.

Leaf Folder Icons
This is a very simple set of icons that can help you refresh your current default folder icons. They are simple in design, but they are good for subtlety.

TV Show Folder Icons
There are 31 icons in this set, and they aren’t subtle. These icons display your favorite TV shows right on the front of the folder. This is great for the TV enthusiast.

Organic HD Icons
Organic HD icons are meant to replace your HD icons look, but they are certainly not limited to that. They look amazing in just about any folder. They remind me of KITT’s front bumper light that would go blinking from left to right.

Carbon Folders
If you have a thing for carbon and neon, this is the folder icon collection for you. Very reminiscent of Need for Speed Carbon, these icons are a great addition to your desktop.

Carbon Drives
These icons look like Carbon Folders, the only difference is that these icons are meant to be used as driver icon replacement.

Google Chrome Icon
This one is yet another shot at creating a replacement for the Google Chrome icon. It ditches the current color layout and places a nice metallic look to it while merging the colors in the center.

Nintendo 64 Icons
There is really no need for a description to this one. The N64 icon resembles to the N64 logo which is pretty hard to miss. Try it out for yourself.

App Store Replacement Icons
If you want even more replacements for your Mac AppStore icon, look no further. This following has 10 icons with different colors that should cover your needs.

Senam Firefox Icon
I found this icon to be a very peculiar yet awesome take on the Firefox icon. This makes Firefox look like it came from the Mass Effect universe. It is a definite must have for tech lovers.

Lens Icon
Here we have another lens icon that looks stunning. The detail on it makes it look like its looking straight at you. It can even look like a robot’s eye in a way. Either way this is a fantastic looking icon.

Pirate Icons
Arrrggg! Oh me lads, what a beauty have we here. This set of icons is perfect to style your machine with a pirate theme. There are plenty of uses for this, but in agreement with the comments in the link, they would look great on a “torrents” folder.

Zoom-Eyed Creatures
Zoom-Eyed Creatures is a rather cute set of icons that will give your folders life. You can even use some to change your Adium icon. Give it a try.

Ive Drives 2
Ive Drives 2 is a 30 icon set that looks gorgeous and elegant. They can be used across your machine to accentuate the way your computer looks.

Spotify Replacement Icon
Like Spotify? Take this icon with you and switch things up a little. This icon merges the iTunes and Spotify icon design and combines it into a sweet, metallic looking piece. Much better than the standard Spotify icon.

Steampunk Storage
The Steampunk Storage icon set contains eight sexy hard drive icons with 18 wallpapers for your desktop, iPhone, and iPad. If we had evolved into a Steampunk society, this is how your hard drive would look.

Internal Drive Icons
This is for the hardware enthusiast. If you like metallic looking hard drives, check out these seven icons. The detail on them is quite impressive.

PlayStation 3 Icons
PlayStation fan? Snatch these six icons that will show your love for the PlayStation brand. And as always, Long, Live, Play.

iPhone 4 Icons
Do you like your iPhone way too much? Perhaps you have a folder for iPhone photos or iPhone development, then this icon set of 12 icons is for you.

Black and Blue Icons
Like things in a darker shade? These five icons are meant to serve as replacement icons to some pretty awesome apps. Their main goal is to give your desktop a dark tone.

Star Trek Folder Icons
Are you a part of the United Federation of Planets? Perhaps you’re part of Starfleet. If so, the following icon set will fit your desktop and make you feel right at home.

Heroes and Villans
Heroes and Villains is a set of 28 cute little icons that will give your desktop a rather comic-style feel. Batman and company are all ready for you to check them out and try them yourself.

Mac OS Icons
Mac OS icons are perhaps the most beautiful and detailed replacement icons of the bunch. Check out Ramotion’s page to see all the other dazzlingly icons this designer has in store for you.

These set is a great fit for any black and white themed desktop. The dark metallic feel to these icons give a white background life. Check other awesome icons like it by the same author.

Angry Birds Replacement
Angry Birds fan? Of Course you are! This icon gives you exactly what an Angry Bird fan wants: an angry bird.

TextMate anyone? Look no further, this icon has a sweet new look that will want to make you code like a pro. The designer of this icon also has more icons that you should take a look at.

Safari Replacement Icon
Safari has been on your dock with the same exact look for ages, how about a change? This icon has breathtaking detail and it looks phenomenal in your dock. The designer has amazing icons all throughout the Internet, make sure to check them out!

Alumin Fortis
This is as minimalistic as it gets. 50 icons that’ll match your Macbook’s design are just a click away. Be sure to check out all the different designs for it and pick the right ones for you.

Hailo Trash
This set only includes 2 items, but they are superb. The designer’s page has a delightful collection of icons as well. Make sure to check those out. You can download the icons straight from his website.

Chrome Icon
This is yet another take on the Google Chrome icon. This one completely ditches the colors for a more subtle look. I use this personally for my main documents folder rather than Chrome. It simply looks like an amazing piece of tech — and yes, it does make me want to click it more.

Flurry Extras
Flurry Extras 3 comes packed with a bunch of sweet looking icons. There are 37 icons in total, and you can’t go wrong with it. This first icon alone is worth the download.

SciFi Icons
The following set is a compilation of 16 sci-fi icons that any sci-fi lover would enjoy. They look stunning in just about any type of desktop design. You can also check the designer’s site to see even more great icon ideas and designs.

Star Tech Icons
Unleash the Treky inside of you with this set of eight Star Trek Tech icons. From the iconic (no pun intended) phase pistol to other lesser known techs, you can’t go wrong with this set.

Transformer Icons
This one is a bit old, but an amazing pack of icons nonetheless. If you are in to Transformers, then prepare to transform your icon set and roll out. There are plenty of icons to choose from.

ATV Drives
Want to give your icons character? This set of carefully crafted icons take the personality of many loved movie characters. Check this link to view a second version of this set. These icons are made for the movie and comic fans in mind.

Star Trek Props Icons
Can’t get enough of the Star Trek icons? Check out this set of 15 awesome Official Star Trek icons. Yup. Paramount Pictures’ official set of icons for you to check out. It even comes with a sweet Dock replacement if you are using CandyBar.

Want more new-tech icons accompanied with a sweet looking CandyBar Dock replacement? Look no further. This set looks beautiful. It reminds me of the game Portal.

The Avengers Icon Set
Can’t get enough of the new Avengers movie? Have a look at these icons. Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow and more are yours to keep. Check out the authors page for more sets.

Moleskine Icon
This beautiful icon is made with pixel perfection. The download includes many file types including a PSD file that will help you tweak the design the way you want.

Safari Replacement Icon
Here we not only have a beautiful Safari Replacement icon, but we have a few different icons. The link contains a few icons, plus an amazing Tron inspired wallpaper and a great looking Growl style.

Apple Icons
Love Apples? In one way or another, many of us do! These icons look amazing! If you are a fan of real apples or a little company named Apple, this icon set is definitely for you. It would make you desktop look quite appetizing.

This is Art 2
Art 2 gives you 12 beautifully crafted icons that would fix many folder categories. From photography, photo manipulation to coding and web design, you have a lot of different icons to pick from.

Iron Man Helmet 2
These bonus icons come in the form of a particular Avenger. In fact, he is one of the funniest of the bunch. If you would like to have Iron Man on your desktop, this is the way to go. However, this one here isn’t really the secret bonus icon set nor the icon you see on this article’s thumbnail. This link here is the actual secret icon set.
Show Us Yours!
There you have it, over 55 stunningly beautiful Mac folder icons. No matter what size, shape or form, these icons are meant to customize the look and feel of your folders. Keep in mind that some are completely free even for commercial use, and some are only free for your own personal use. Also if you are having trouble changing icons, here is a tip:
You don’t need CandyBar in order to change icons, the simple copy and paste procedure works just fine; however, if copying the icon and pasting it in the info window doesn’t work, all you need to do is open the icon (ICNS) in Preview and select all then copy and paste it into the info window. This will pick up the various icon sizes that are within the ICNS file.
Let us know what you think of these icons and share your own collections in the comments below!