TechCrunch Disrupt Hack Day: The Details

Techcrunch is hosting a free, open Hack Day, before its Disrupt conference in NYC. Create, build, collaborate and present to an audience of peers and pros. Enjoy free hacker food (this is the pizza capital of the world, right?), meet a diverse group of attendees and hack! This is the city that never sleeps, so burn the midnight oil and build a mashup that blows everyone at the event away. Three winners will have a chance to present onstage to over 2,000 people at the main Disrupt conference on Wednesday. Register Now!.

The TechCrunch Disrupt Hack Day is being organized by Chad Dickerson (who held the first Hack Days at Yahoo, now CTO of Etsy), Daniel Raffel (Yahoo) and Tarikh Korula (Uncommon Projects) and Jonah Brucker-Cohen (Scrapyard Challenge). We expect 200 – 300 attendees at the Hack Day on Saturday and Sunday. The main conference, which starts on Monday, May 24, will draw more than 1,500 attendees.

Where and When
2pm Saturday, May 22 to 2pm Sunday, May 23rd
(Registration begins at 1pm, Saturday, May 22)
570 Washington Street (between Houston and Clarkson Streets)
2nd floor, New York, NY 10014
Schedule of Events and more info

What’s a Hack Day?
Simple — form a team of 1 or more and spend 24 hours building a new software/hardware idea using publicly-available data and APIs. Working code (no matter how rough) is the order of the day — no PowerPoint, Keynote, or slideware. Those who brave the night to build and make their dreams real get 90 seconds to present their work in front of a live audience. A variety of awards will be given. Everyone who builds something is a winner — if you finish something and present you’ll get a ticket to Disrupt (worth $3,000). All the top hackers and projects will be covered by Techcrunch and attending media. This is an awesome opportunity.
Collaborate on Hack Day Wiki

Who’s invited?
There will be a diverse melting pot of artists, designers, students, dreamers, software developers, hobbyists, hardware hackers, and industry thought leaders all looking to turn their ideas into something real! Join them in making something sublime, simple, interesting, useful, silly, or all of the above. Expect some surprises.

What companies will be there?
Etsy, Facebook, Foursquare, Simple Geo, Yahoo and many more companies will have developers on hand to talk about their APIs and help support you in building your projects! We’re grateful to sponsor Facebook for helping us make it happen, and to Media Temple (mt) for hosting the servers.

What’s in it for you?
We’re creating a free stage for creative technologists to meet, greet, and build. Maybe you’re looking for the inspiration to build something you keep putting off, or maybe you just want to connect with other technologists in NYC. You might be looking for new career opportunities and want to show off your skills. No matter why you’re attending, there’s something for anyone who cares about building cool things. Bring your ideas and we’ll supply the pizza. Everyone who finishes a project will get into the main Disrupt conference for free.

Sign up! Hack Day promises to be a great time for everyone involved. We’ll provide the audience, hacking peers to inspire you, and the promise of fame. Deliver the hack and all eyes will be on you for a minute and a half. Make it happen!

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