10 AppStorm Recommended Mac & Apple Podcasts

This post is part of a series that revisits some of our readers’ favorite articles from the past that still contain awesome and relevant information that you might find useful. This post was originally published on Feb 22nd, 2011.

It’s that item in your iTunes sidebar, fourth from the top. The one that looks like a little figure, with weird circles radiating around him? You click on it, and iTunes tells you this is where Podcasts live. If it’s the first time you’ve explored this little crevice of iTunes, you’re given a nice little explanation of what a podcast is, where you can find one, and how iTunes will help you to enjoy them.

But there’s still one critical piece of information missing – what podcasts should you download?

Today we’ve put together a list of ten of the best Mac and Apple related podcasts. The list ranges from the perennial greats, to some of the new kids on the block. From pixel-perfect designer, to hardcore developer, from an OS X power user, to the most recent convert — there’s a podcast here for everyone.

The bottom line is, if you want to be entertained and educated about the Mac ecosystem, these are the podcasts for you.

Ten of the Best

MacBreak Weekly by Leo Laporte and Friends — from the TWiT Network

MacBreak Weekly

Started: August 12, 2006
Recorded: Tuesdays at 1PM EST/11AM PST
Released: Wednesdays

Part of the legendary TWiT netcasting network, MacBreak Weekly is one of the longest running Mac-related podcasts. It analyzes the week’s Apple-related news, providing thoughts and opinions from some of the biggest names in Mac journalism.

Andy Ihnatko from the Chicago Sun Times is a regular guest, as is Alex Lindsay of the PixelCorps. It usually runs around an hour in length, but frequently pushes an hour and a half and occasionally two hours when there are a wealth of topics to consider or the panelists get caught in parallel discussions.

It’s a regular part of my weekly podcasting regimen, and always the one I’m most excited to listen to.

Available in both audio and video.

The Talk Show by Dan Benjamin and John Gruber — from the 5by5 Network

The Talk Show

Started: July 28, 2010
Recorded: Wednesdays at 12PM EST
Released: Wednesdays

The Talk Show started life back in June of 2007, then going on hiatus in October of 2009. In its original incarnation it starred Dan Benjamin, at that time mostly of Hive Logic fame, and John Gruber of the stellar Daring Fireball.

They talked about the tech industry as a whole, but always from the vantage point of two avid Mac users. It was revived in July of 2010 when Dan started the 5by5 Podcasting Network, bringing John back onto the podcasting scene.

While the topics of the show may stray from the Mac itself to the wider realm of Apple as a whole, or even out into other interests of the two hosts, I still consider it one of the best podcasts on the Web, and it definitely deserves a mention in this roundup. Shame on you if you don’t listen to The Talk Show each week.

Available in audio.

Mac OS Ken by Ken Ray

Mac OS Ken

Recorded Live: Wednesdays at 10PM EST/7PM PST
Released: Monday-Friday

The concept of a daily podcast blows my mind. To produce one with the level of quality and polish that Ken Ray does is nothing short of amazing. It’s his personality and perspective that makes Mac OS Ken the podcast that it is.

Generally hovering around the 15 minute mark, Mac OS Ken gives insightful news and notes on everything Apple. Find 15 minutes in your daily routine and give Mac OS Ken a listen — you won’t regret it.

Ken is also trying to become that mythical creature — a paid podcaster. He’s created what he calls Mac OS Ken: Day 6, a sixth day of content chock full of Apple goodness. If you appreciate what Ken does and want to keep the quality podcasts coming, then why not try subscribing. Here’s what he says:

$10 dollars a month will get you at least four extra shows per month, featuring a recap of the week’s news, as well as conversations around Apple’s past, present, and future. That comes out to $2.50 per extra show if you want to think about it that way… or roughly 42-cents per show if you think of it as supporting the whole of Mac OS Ken, which is really what this is about.

Available in audio.

MacCast by Adam Christianson


Started: December 15, 2004
Released: Thursday-Sunday

Holding the title of “Longest Running Mac Podcast I Can Find”, MacCast from Adam Christianson is a classic in every great sense of the word. Adam comes from the Cult of Mac — those guys who go to user group meeting and know the real meaning of community.

That same style is infused into MacCast. The tagline is: “For Mac Geeks, By Mac Geeks”, and it’s apt. Beyond the podcast, MacCast.com is home to a thriving forum for Mac geeks everywhere. If you want a taste of the Mac community at its finest, give MacCast a listen.

Available in audio.

Enough – The Minimal Mac Podcast by Patrick Rhone and Myke Hurley

Enough - The Minimal Mac Podcast

Started: January 20, 2011
Released: About Every 3-5 days

Enough is a different style of podcast from most others. Where most tend to go on for an hour or more, Enough clocks in at roughly 15-20 minutes. But then again, that’s exactly what you’d expect from a podcast that was spawned my Patrick Rhone of Minimal Mac — just enough, and nothing more.

Enough is a slightly different venue for Patrick to ruminate on his minimalist computer lifestyle and workflows. If you’ve visited Minimal Mac, and especially if you’re a fan of Patrick’s computing philosophy, give Enough a listen.

Available in audio.

Build and Analyze by Dan Benjamin and Marco Arment — from the 5by5 Network

Build & Analyze

Started: November 11, 2010
Recorded Live: Thursdays at 11AM EST
Released: Thursdays

On the surface, a podcast with a title that’s a play on the way an Objective-C developer debugs his code wouldn’t seem to have much mass-market appeal. But hosts Marco Arment of Instapaper fame and Dan Benjamin have strayed away from talking about the specifics of programming. If you listen to the first couple episodes, you’ll see why.

Basically, they view programming as a destination with many roads, and don’t feel that bickering over the “correct route” is productive or enjoyable. Because of this approach, anyone who is even remotely interested in how Apple’s new App Stores work — both Mac and iOS — or what kind of work and planning goes into making a successful app, should tune in each week.

Available in audio.

Hypercritical by Dan Benjamin and John Siracusa — from the 5by5 Network


Started: January 14, 2011
Recorded Live: Fridays at 12PM EST
Released: Fridays

Formatted much like The Talk Show, Hypercritical thrives on the the discussion and comparison of Apple to the rest of the tech industry. As the name implies, Hypercritical looks at the flaws, the “kinks in the armor” so to speak, the areas that Apple, the Mac platform, and even iOS need to improve upon.

Again, the topics of Hypercritical do vary, but the quality of the content, whatever the subject, is superb. Well worth a listen.

Available in audio.

Mac Power Users by David Sparks and Katie Flyod

Mac Power Users

Started: April 26, 2009
Released: Twice a month

Mac Power User — what type of person comes to mind? A web designer? How ’bout a Ruby or Objective-C developer? Maybe a graphic artist or illustrator? David Sparks and Katie Floyd, the hosts of the Mac Power Users podcast aren’t any of these — they’re attorneys. But don’t be dissuaded by that, it’s they’re greatest strength.

See, they approach Mac software from a different perspective, not a journalist, not someone who builds software for a living, someone who uses software for a living. Their semi-monthly podcast goes deep into a given topic, with insight into workflows and use-cases for some of the best Mac apps around.

Available in audio.

Typical Mac User by Victor Cajiao

Typical Mac User

Started: January 1, 2006
Released: Three Times a Month

As the name implies, the Typical Mac User podcast is aimed at the typical Mac user. There’s something here for anyone who uses a Mac. I’d highly recommend this one especially for those new to the Mac platform. If you aren’t quite as new, maybe keep this one in your back pocket and show it to your next friend or relative who’s just bought their first Mac. It makes the perfect gateway podcast to the podcasting lifestyle.

Available in audio.

Mac Roundtable from Various Mac Pundits

The Mac Roundtable

Started: January 23, 2006
Released: About Twice per Month

The concept of a roundtable is to facilitate discussion around a given topic. The Mac Roundtable podcast stands true to its name. A platform for conversation and debate, the Mac Roundtable features panelists from across the web who are Mac commentators, usually with a podcast or blog of their own.

Always spirited, Mac roundtable is an interesting show to listen to, showcasing different perspectives on the same subject — the Mac.

Available in audio, and on special occasions, video.

Bonus: Honorable Mentions

The following are three podcasts I just had to give a shout-out to — because they touch on Apple and the Mac platform, but they aren’t solely about it. Don’t let that turn you away though. The following are three podcasts just as worthy of a spot in your weekly podcasting lineup as any of the previous ones mentioned.

Back to Work by Dan Benjamin and Merlin Mann — from the 5by5 Network

Back to Work

Started: January 18, 2011
Recorded Live: Tuesdays
Released: Tuesdays

Ok, so this one isn’t really about the Mac — I mean, both Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin (yup, another 5by5 podcast) swear by OS X — and when they do touch on software and digital workflows, it’s strictly Mac-related.

But frankly I just couldn’t do a podcast roundup without mentioning Back to Work. It’s so dang good, and should be mandatory listening for anyone and everyone who wants to create something great. Go. Listen. Now. You can thank them later, I think they check their email.

Available in audio.

GeekBeat.tv by Cali Lewis — from Revision3


Started: June 25, 2010
Released: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Cali Lewis and her former podcast GeekBrief.tv were one the first podcasts I subscribed to. I have her to thank for my love of podcasts today. Her sweet and cheery disposition shined so brightly in an industry that can quite easily become mired with criticism and cynicism.

It too is about the broad arena of technology, but always has a slight Apple bias — see, Cali’s an Apple fan too. Go check ‘em out. I know you’ll enjoy it.

Available in video.

Tekzilla by Patrick Norton, Veronica Belmont, and Robert Heron — from Revison3


Started: September 28, 2007
Released: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Like every truly great podcast, Tekzilla thrives on the personalities of its hosts — and they’re some of the coolest people in tech reporting. Patrick Norton, who for the record, may be my favorite tech commentator of all time, Veronica Belmont, and Robert Heron make up the perennial cast of Tekzilla.

Like the other Honorable Mentions, Tekzilla’s focus it really on the wider world of gadgets and gizmos. But Apple’s products frequently come up, and frankly, its just a fantastic show — because face it, we’re all geeks at heart, and that means we love tech in all its shapes, sizes, and brands.

Nobody does a better job of helping you get your geek on then Tekzilla. Show ‘em so love and watch an episode or two. I know you’ll be hooked.

Available in video.

Wrappin’ It Up — By Which I Mean, “Go Download Some Podcasts!”

So, now that you’ve got a list of ten of the best Mac podcasts around, what are you waiting for? Go. Fill up that iTunes library with killer Mac podcasts to get your uber Mac geek on!

As ever, if there’s a fabulous Mac-related podcast we missed, leave us a comment to show some love to your favorite show.

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