Image Manipulator (Images and Media)

Image Manipulator is a PHP class with the purpose to manipulate images in different ways.

The main function of the class is to resize images for the sake of making thumbnails or simply changing the dimensions. The script will not lose the aspect ratio and is designed to crop the most important area of the original image instead of just centering it when parts are omitted due to resizing.

The script also allows you to easily add a watermark on the image for copyright purposes with an intuitive way to position it.

A minor functionality of the script is to convert the image to grayscale (black and white) in one easy line of code.

Once you’ve manipulated the image according to your needs, you can either save it as a file or allow the class to change the content type and output the newly created image directly.

Using the GD Image Library, it can manipulate all of the major image formats and maintain transparency for png and gif images.

Download Image Manipulator (Images and Media)

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