Facebook To WordPress Plugin (WordPress)

Facebook To WordPress Plugin

Now you can automatically update your blog posts from Facebook.
This plugin has the capability of retrieving your Facebook Status, Notes, Links and the Feed, automatically transform them into WordPress Posts. By employing WordPress’ Cron or an external cron, the plugin checks for any new updates at an interval and retrieve them. In short, this is the closest one can get to Realtime Facebook to WordPress Integration!

No need for dual work or copy paste routine.

Call it Seamless Facebook Integration!


F2W has many features that you will find handy for your WordPress site:

Many Facebook Objects to follow

You can follow a page’s feed, or a page’s status, or notes or just links. You can virtually follow any page.

Ability to follow many pages or users

You can follow many pages or users’ objects. Theoretically you can follow up to 15 sources.
So imagine the power you will have of integrating posts of interest!

Automatic Post Thumbnail

If you post a link on Facebook, that image which appears on the left is automatically grabbed
and uploaded on your blog as an attachment post. It is then inserted as a Post Thumbnail.

Category Creation

You can declare the category for the posts that you are following. If the category is not already there
it is created.

Set Post Author

You can also set a default post Author who should have editor capabilities

Format Preservation

If you publish a note, that note’s formatting is preserved. Bold text will be bold text and italics will be italics!

Set Post Status

You can also set post status, whether all post should be published, be pending, drafts of be set for the future.

You can use external Cron

The default is to update every 15 minutes using WordPress’ Cron, but to achieve non-user-dependent
updating you can set an external cron that can run at a shorter interval even minutely!

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First production release

Download Facebook To WordPress Plugin (WordPress)

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