Plus IMDb Scrapper (Miscellaneous)

Live demo:

Plus IMDb is an advanced scrapper wich stores the movies in a database, along with the posters and other details. Also on each movies you have trailers displayed automatically from YouTube.

Every movie page have Title & Description tags included for SEO purposes.

Movies are taken in the moment you search the movies in the Search Box, so if a visitor comes on your website and search for Mildred Pierce for example, if the movies wasn’t searched before, it will automatically grab it from IMDb, and store all the details, and after that, return the result.

Movies can be searched by Years, Stars, Genres and Countries.

When a movie is grabbed, you get the following:

  • Title
  • Poster
  • Year (of the movie)
  • Plot
  • Story
  • Trivia
  • Release date
  • User votes (from IMDb)
  • Countries
  • Stars
  • Genres
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
  • Oscars (number)
  • Also for evey movie, the script will automatically display trailers from YouTube.

    Every movie page will have “Similar Movies” wich will display random movies from the same genre of the movie displayed.

    Requierments: PHP , MySQL, Apache, Rewrite and cURL.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE : I already included a Disclaimer page and Privacy policy pages, updated as of today, but remember to check atleast monthly the IMDb Copyright and Conditions of Use.

    Download Plus IMDb Scrapper (Miscellaneous)

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