Decide: Right Price At The Right Time

The price of electronics are constantly changing, sometimes every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure I get a good price for something that I am buying. But not only that, I want to make sure that the product I am buying is of good quality and one that will last me a little while. After all, it’s always frustrating to buy a new gadget, only to see it’s outdated the next day!

When you feel like you can’t keep up with the industry enough to know when you should buy a new gadget, sometimes you’ll need a little help. This is where a website like Decide comes in to play, a one stop shop for all your electronic buying needs.

Finding the Right Product

There are a variety of ways to use Decide, and one of them is to find the right electronic product for you. Let’s say you are looking for a pair of headphones. As you know, there are a ton of different kinds, prices, and brands of headphones out there. Decide helps you wade through all the clutter and helps you make an informative decision about what to buy.

Decide Homepage

Decide Homepage

When you first go to the website, just type in the item that you are looking for. You can be as specific or as general as you want to be. For example, if I am in the market to buy an iPad and I type in “iPad” I get a variety of search results, ranging any where from the original iPad to the iPad 2 and in all the different size and color combinations.

Search Results

Search Results

I can click on the one that I am interested in getting and I can see a ton of information on that product. For example, I can see when it was originally released, what it’s rating is as well as the most recent reviews that people have left for the product on both Amazon and Best Buy. I can also check out the product specs to get a more in depth look at it.

Reviews for product

Reviews for product

Let’s say I really like the product and I am ready to go ahead and purchase it. Decide gives me a couple of options to figure out where I can purchase the product. You can either choose to look for your product online or find it at a nearby Best Buy, if it is available. As of right now you can only search Best Buy stores near you and you can also see if they are in stock or not.

Online or nearby

Online or nearby

Should I or Shouldn’t I?

Oh, that is the million dollar question, should you get the product now or should you wait for a new and better one coming out? Technology is constantly changing and you can just about bet that if a product does well, there will be a refresh of it some time sooner or later. One thing I hate to do or see others do is buy a product that is toward the end of its life cycle, only to find out a few days or weeks later that a newer and better one came out.

Decide understands this and has added some tools to their site to help you with your decision making process. They stay on top of the news and rumors and come up with an informed guess as to whether you should buy now or wait for a bit. They use data from the product and company that released it and share it with you so that you can see why you should wait or buy now. You can see data like the average release cycle and the last release of the product.

Life cycle of a product

Life cycle of a product

Not only that, but Decide is also able to show you whether the price that the current model is selling for is the best price or not. You are shown a line graph of their different prices that the product sold for and how long the current price has been holding for. Decide is then able to make a prediction on if the price will hold steady or not and how confident they are on it.

Graph that shows the prices of an item

Graph that shows the prices of an item

If you still need more info about the product, Decide has gathered a wide variety of news on the product you are searching for that you can peruse to help you make a better decision. You can also see news and rumors about other products related to the one that you are searching for.

News and rumors on a product

News and rumors on a product

And if this isn’t all enough to help you out, and you still want to make sure you can get the best price, Decide has a tool for that as well. You can set alerts for any product so that when the price of it goes down, you will get an email letting you know. You can set the alert so it happens more or less frequently and you can also set it for a certain price threshold as well. So for example, maybe you only want to be alerted when the price goes down more than 25% of what it is now. Just set it the way you want, and Decide will, well, decide for you when it looks like the price is right.

Alert Settings

Alert Settings


Overall, Decide is a great place to go to and find a lot of information on electronic products that you are looking to purchase. They have a huge database of many different tech items out there, ranging from TVs to computers and cameras. They do a very thorough job of helping you stay informed and usually they are pretty spot on in their advice on waiting or buying now.

Different items that are in Decide

Different items that are in Decide

In this ever changing world of technology, it is always best to stay informed of the best price and when to buy. Instead of searching the net for hours and hours to find the right product at the right price, Decide fills that need all in one great website. Go check it out and let us know what you think.

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