Apple announces education event in New York City to take place next Thursday, Jan. 19

Last week Apple sent out invitations for a special event set to take place this Thursday, Jan. 19, at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, the theme of the event is an “education announcement in the Big Apple.”

As you can see in the image above, the invitation features a chalkboard-style drawing outlining the skyline of New York, with the addition of the Apple logo in the center.

The event is expected to focus on improvements to the iBooks platform with a main emphasis on education and digital textbook publishing. According to rumors the event will try to combine the iTunes U, a free service Apple provides that gives access to educational content, with iBooks.

Previous reports have said Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was heavily involved in this project, before he passed away this past October. According to biographer Walter Isaacson Jobs told him “that textbooks were one of the products he wanted to reinvent, along with photography and televisions.”

We will keep you updated on where to follow the event over the next few days, so keep checking back.

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