Open Source: UITableview Replace With Information Overlays – Inspired By The Path 2 App

The Path 2 app has inspired some terrific iOS interface components many of which I have mentioned previously in my initial round up of Path 2 inspired iOS components, and a post about a very elegant sliding view component.

Recently I came across another component inspired by the Path 2 app providing a customized table view controller with an overlay displaying information about specific cells while scrolling through a tableview – great for extremely long lists.

I really like that the developer took great care to add in details like sliding animations, overscroll handling, and multiple callbacks.

Here’s a screenshot of the control in action taken from the Github page:

The component is KNPathTableViewController from Kent Nguyen.

You can find the Github repository for the controller here.

You can read Kent’s post about using and extending the controller here.

Another nice component for user interface enthusiasts.



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