All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)


All in One email for WordPress smoothly resolves problems existing in WordPress default email subsystem
implementation by adding some new features and adding tweaking capability to existing ones.


  • Allows to change “From”, “Return Path” headers for emails sent.
  • Adds SMTP support to WordPress outgoing emails.
  • Supports SMTP authentication and SSL .
  • Built-in test email sender to catch errors early.
  • Enables HTML emails instead of plain text to make your emails more attractive.
  • Provides a builtin HTML email template with WYSYWYG editor and previewer.
  • Allows you to edit WordPress builtin emails (new user registered notification,
    password reset email).
  • Adds a secondary email for “new user registered” admin notifications.
  • Simple and sleek interface.

System requirements

  • WordPress 3.2. Probably, All in one email will work with older version, but was not tested on them.
    WordPress 3.3 is recommended to support WYSIWYG email template editor.
  • Minimum required PHP version is 5.2.
  • IE6 is not supported by the admin area.

Download All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)

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