Open Source Apps List: Hacker News Client, iPhone Theft Tracker, Barcode Scanner And More Added

The open source apps list has been updated once again with several new apps.

Thanks to everyone who submitted information about available apps, and shared the list with others.

This update features great apps if you’re looking to create a news reader, barcode scanner, work with push notifications, web services and more.

Here are the apps:

News:yc – A hacker news client with a very clean interface allowing for login and voting directly in app.  Great to checkout if you’re looking to develop a reader for any news website.

Prey – An app for tracking the location of your devices in case of theft that can be activated on delay or via push messaging.  An interesting project providing a very on demand feature.

Barcode Scanner – An app demonstrating the use of the open Zxing project for reading barcodes.  If you want to build a barcode scanner, and want to avoid paying licensing fees you should check out Zxing and this project.

Travel Advice UK – An app using data provided by the UK government on traveling.  Great if you want to see a demonstration of how to connect to a REST based web service, and store things within a core data database.

AntiMapLog – An app created so you can record your own data (such as location, time) and export that information.  Some interesting things are being done by the developer of this project that should be applied in future updates.

You can find the iTunes source links on the open source iOS apps list.


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