iPhone Polaroid Gallery (iPhone)

Polaroid Gallery project loads images from property list (XML) and display them like polaroids inside scrollview. Each image should be defined by file name and title. Title is displayed below image, each title is automatically cropped in gallery view if it’s too long. Since images are placed inside of scroll view user can scroll gallery vertically, each row show 3 images. Tap on each image display separate view where user can view larger image and user can share image over email. Email title is populated with title of image and image is placed in body of email.

Code is commented, so you’ll find it easy to make any changes. Project supports retina (4G & 4S) display, you’ll find @2x images included, project also includes Icon and Default image files. Image view that opens up after image is tapped in main gallery view will be displayed as modal view with flip horizontal transition style.

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Download iPhone Polaroid Gallery (iPhone)

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