XBox Live Data Retrieval Class (Loaders and Uploaders)

About this item

Get XBox Live data from any gamertag you want.

Easy to use

$XB->set_gamertag('TRex HomerTrixx'); // This sets the gamertag

$XB->check_cache(); // This will check if the gamertag is allready cached

$XB->update_cache(); // Ths will update the cache if needed

print_r($XB->get_gamercard()); // Returns an array with all xbox live data

Demo output:

Available data

  • Gamertag
  • Online status
  • Bio
  • Motto
  • Location
  • Name
  • Gender
  • Gamerscore
  • Reputation
  • Account status
  • Avatars
  • Recent Games + progress and achievements per game


v1.0 (03/01/2012)
* Initial version released

Download XBox Live Data Retrieval Class (Loaders and Uploaders)

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