Advanced Social Widget (Social Networking)

Advanced Social Widget

Advanced Social Widget Adds an advanced widget box to your sidebar giving users the ability to link your site to all the popular Social Networking sites such as Delicious, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and access to FeedBurner Email Subscription.


Advanced Social Widget Adds an advanced widget box to your WordPress theme sidebar giving users the ability to link your site to all the popular Social Networking sites such as Delicious, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and access to FeedBurner Email Subscription.

Advanced Social Widget is an all-in-one social networking widget plugin that allows your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed, Follow you on Twitter, visit your Facebook Page and easily share your site, categories & posts to the major social networking sites.

You can define what social network sites you want to show and what icons to display. Define whether to display the social networking site name under each of the icons. Visitors can Follow you on Twitter, subscribe to your FeedBurner RSS Feed and view you FeedBurner RSS Feed. You can also define the width of the widget making it suitable for most available WordPress themes without having to get in change any code.

The Widget has been developed to he highest quality standards and tested in all major modern browsers.

Advanced Social Widget Features:

  • Highly functional dynamic widget interface
  • Ability to change the Widget title
  • Allow visitors to easily and effortlessly subscribe to your FeedBurner RSS feed
  • Display link to your sites RSS feed
  • Dynamic Google +1 features & follower count
  • Facebook Like features and Like count
  • Dynamic Twitter Follows features & follower count
  • Dynamically allows you to save to Delicious. Automatically determines whether you are on homepage, category pages, single pages or other and dynamically creates the Delicious link to share
  • Links to your Twitter page
  • Links to your Facebook page
  • Dynamically allows you to Recommend to StumbleUpon. Automatically determines whether you are on homepage, category pages, single pages or other and dynamically creates the StumbleUpon link to share
  • Ability to open links in same window or new window
  • Ability to display certain features and disable certain features, IE You can hide Google +1 and other social networking links and icons.
  • Ability to disable the viewing of the bottom social networking icons altogether.
  • Ability to decide whether to display social networking site name under social icons or not to display it.
  • Multiple widgets configurations
  • Inherits CSS styles from current active theme – fonts and colors

Extended Features:

Subscribe to FeedBurner RSS Feed
If you have a FeedBurner RSS feed, you can allow your visitors to quickly and easily subscribe to your RSS feed. All the visitor needs to do is enter their email address and click the "Subscribe" button. A window will be opened where the visitor can subscribe to your feed.

Link to FeedBurner RSS Feed
If you have inserted a FeedBurner RSS username in the widget configuration panel, a link will be displayed where visitors can view your RSS feed.

Display Google +1 Button
Display a Google +1 button on your site and let your visits quickly and effortly +1 your site. The URL for the button is dynamic and is the same URL as your current site, so no need to configure.

Display Facebook Like Button
Have a Facebook page connected to your site? Display a Facebook "Like" button on your site and let your visits quickly and effortly like your site.

Display Twitter Follow Button
Effortlessly display a Twitter Follow Button to your site. Displays the total amount of Twitter Followers you have. Confugure Twitter Username through widget configuration settings.

Display Delicious Button and allow visitor to save your site to Delicious
Allow users to save your site URL to Delicious. If you are on the homepage of the site the button will link to the site URL . If you are on a category or an article page, the button will allow visitors to save the URL for that certain category or article page.

Display a direct link to your Twitter page
Display the Twitter icon and visitors can instantly visit your Twitter page. Confugure Twitter Username through widget configuration settings.

Display a direct link to your Facebook page
Display the Facebook icon and visitors can instantly visit your facebook page. Confugure Facebook URL through widget configuration settings.

Display a FeedBurner RSS Email Subscription Icon
Display the Email icon and visitors can visit the FeedBurner RSS Subscription page to easily subscribe to your site’s RSS feed.

Display StumbleUpon Button and allow visitor to post your site to StumbleUpon
Allow users to save your site URL to StumbleUpon. If you are on the homepage of the site the button will link to the site URL . If you are on a category or an article page, the button will allow visitors to save the URL for that certain category or article page.

Quick-Start Guide

  1. Unzip plugin file.
  2. Upload the the plugin folder "advanced-social-widget" (not just the files in it!) to your `wp-content/plugins` folder. If you’re using FTP , use ‘binary’ mode.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard widgets page, drag the "Advanced Social Widget" widget onto one of your WordPress theme sidebars and configure its specific settings.
    (Configuration settings detailed in supplied documentation)
  5. A few of the settings have a default value, replace if necessary. Hover over text-field labels for detail descriptions and instructions. Save widget configuration settings.
  6. You’re done. Enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

= How to I hide certain icons and their functionality? =
All of the 5 social networking icons do not have a default input meaning that if you leave these like this you will disable that certain functionality.
To disable just a single icon and it’s functionality simply leave the textfield empty and that icon will not be displayed.

= What URL is the Google +1 feature using? =
The Google +1 feature dynamically picks up the URL for your WordPress blog and uses this URL .
This is gathered by using the WordPress get_bloginfo(‘url’) function. For this to function you must have the wp_footer() tag defined in your footer template file. This is where the Google +1 javascript code is added.

= Part of the Widget box is missing or overflowing outside my sidebar =
You have the ability to define the actual width of the widget box. By default the width of the widget width is set to 250px. If part of the widget box is
mssing or overflowing change the width of the widget settings so that it matches the size of your theme sidebar. Try decreasing the widget box width size to say 220. There is no need to add the (px) pixels as this is added automatically for you.

= The hover effect and Google +1 button isn’t displaying =
You must ensure that in your WordPress theme footer file that you are using, usually "footer.php" there is a call to the wp_footer() function tag. To manually add this tag. Navigate to your current WordPress theme directory
`wp-content/themes/mytheme` (replace mytheme with your active theme name). Find a file named "footer.php". Open this file in notepad or any text editor. Add the below code to this file direct before the closing </body> tag.

<?php /* Always have wp_footer() just before the closing </bod?>
     * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which
     * generally use this hook to reference JavaScript files.


Re-save the "footer.php" file.


In order to work, Advanced Social Widget WordPress plugin needs the following requirements:

  • WordPress release v2.8+
  • PHP version 5+
  • WordPress theme template must support wp_footer() tag as this is where the javascript file is installed.


1 January 2012
* v1.0 Initial release. 

Download Advanced Social Widget (Social Networking)

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