Jonathan Ive awarded Knighthood in the United Kingdom

Jonathan Ive, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Design, can add a new award to his collection. According to BBC, Ive has been granted Knighthood in the UK. According to the report Ive has officially been granted the title of “Knight Commander of the British Empire.” According to sources Ive is said to be absolutely thrilled about the award. The knighthood is the second time Ive has been recognised in the honour’s list. In 2005 he was made a Commander of the British Empire.

Some of the readers might remember that rumors surfaced in early 2011 that Steve Jobs was actually in the final stages of receiving knighthood, however the Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown is said to have blocked this due to the fact that Jobs apparently refused to speak at an event held by Brown.

Below you can see the actual Honours List for 2012 that mentions Ive, according to the document Ive is given the award for his services to design and enterprise.

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