PHP Download Manager and File Migration Tool (Miscellaneous)

PHP Download Manager is a simple and easy-to-use download manager that allows you to generate and import lists of remote files and later download them directly to your web server. This ensures faster and easier server migration and saves you precious time, as you avoid the most common step of first transfering the content from your old server to your personal computer and then transfering it from your personal computer to your new server. With PHP Download Manager, you transfer your content directly from your old server to your new server, without having to download any of it on your personal computer.

PHP Download Manager requires no installation. You just have to create a new folder on your web server and upload PHP Download Manager’s files there and you’re ready to use it!

In order to run properly on your server, PHP Download Manager requires that allow_furl_open is enabled from your PHP configuration.

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File migration and mass downloading files has never been easier, now that you have PHP Download Manager!

Download PHP Download Manager and File Migration Tool (Miscellaneous)

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