Boutique, Coffee, Craft & Workshop Logo Template (Crests)

Graphic symbol of this logo is heraldic symbol of lily. Together with Marleen title it can be “read” as (Lily) Marleen +? (different) tag line(s). This famous song and all the happenings around it offers many interesting associations that may be useful under the different circumstances.

Few examples:

As a lyric, (Lily) Marleen with Marleen Coffee Shop tag line, just for example. It can be an association on a romantic date under the lantern – lamplight mentioned in the song. The Marleen Coffee can also offers a place for such a romantic dates, or maybe nearby The Marleen Coffee shop is a streetlamp indeed. In preview image is a version of such a logo made on the base of original Marleen logo template with changed fonts (Mason Alternate) and different color and style of lily.

As a song it can be useful as a logo for (Lily) Marleen with The Vinyl Archive tag line. It will suggest a shop with a collection of vinyl songs, for an instance only.

The most famous singer of this song is Marlene Dietrich, German actress which was also famous because of her glamorous, sophisticated fashion style. Therefore we can use Marleen logo as a logo for a Boutique which offers sophisticated fashion or maybe it is just the name of their new special fashion line. This is the idea upon which basic Marleen logo template is made.

Since there are more associations with (Lily) Marleen and indirectly with Marlene Dietrich, I am sure you can find things which may be related with your own needs. All texts are editable so you can use it also with different title in a case if this logo seems useful to you anyway. Eka Kristan

In zip file you will find
-AI Illustrator
-Vector EPS
-Photoshop PSD
all layered and editable files.

Fonts for basic Marleen (Boutique Glamour Style) logo template are:

Optima Cry (Title)

Edwardian script ITC Std (Tag line)

all free at:

Download Boutique, Coffee, Craft & Workshop Logo Template (Crests)

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