Php / Ajax – Penny Auction – Adjustments

Hello there,

I have a website (Penny Auction) that is almost ready to go. Need some adjustments on it. What I basically need for now is:

1) Adjustments in php ajax in order to load open auctions correctly in front page. It is working almost 100%. Some minor adjustments have to be done. I can give you more details later.

2) There is a integration of 3 different platforms and I need them to work together. 2 are already working. There is one more.
This integration is basically a fusion of mysql databases. The user has to exist in all of them at the same time. I can give more details later as well.

3)Need someone to test the users database and have it working 100% with all the previous 3 and also to create a page for the user where he can manage his/her information. I will give more details later.

There will be for sure more work after this. I just want to select a programmer that I can rely and keep a long relation of trust. The website will need some more adjustments later and I can hire the same person many times if he/she gives me a good job.

Thank you for your interest.

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