Need 125 Articles Fast

Hello Everyone,

We need 125 Unique & Quality Articles on various topics. Keywords will be provided to the selected writer. Each article needs to be more than 350 words. Please write “asterisk” in your message to me, to show that you’ve read the entire message.


– Articles should be Unique & Original
– Should be free from Errors
– Well-Researched & Informative
– Ability to complete the work in the given time frame.

Word Count: More than 350 words each Article

Project cost: $130($1 per 350+ words Article + $5 as your fee)

If you are able to deliver good, then the winner will get regular projects.

Deliver – We will need atleast 20+ articles everyday.

Payment – No Escrow will be provided, We will however pay on completed milestones. When you complete the first 100 articles, we will pay $100 and the remaining amount will be paid on project completion. Please don’t ask for advances or escrows or payment outside of scriptlance.

Thank you.

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