Need Php/mysql Help With My Social Q&a

Hi, I have a 3 yr old, extremely well custom coded Q&A site and I need help with a new feature. Very basic stuff for a decent programmer.

1) We need to record visitor clicks on our Sponsored Question links and logo/image. This is already working for $loggedin members, so maybe we just need to add an ELSE statement and then record them in a new field in the ‘posts’ table (which is where all the Questions are stored)

2) Need to enable a Date dropdown that filters the page/query for Today, Yesterday or a specified Date range – probably just adding a WHERE statement to the existing Query.

3) Need to join the ‘sponsors’ table to be able to display the image/logo and url with the existing info on the Dashboard

4) Need to store the beginning Points/Credits balance. It currently is stored, but then it’s updated by a query until it is all depleted – I can probably do this one myself…but it’s an example of how simple the things are that I need.

5) Need to add some sort of tracking to Member URLs that allows them to send new people to our Paypal Buy Now form and upon payment, stores them as a “Referrer” (after purchase) so we know to give them credit for sending us a client/customer. We have a built in feature in another area of the site that does this, so maybe we can steal it and copy it into the Paypal buy now button.

6) Need to install Paypal IPN into a thank you page so when people make a successful purchase, we can put conversion pixels on this page…but I might try to just buy a script or cart that has all this built in to make it easier.

7) I need some code that will help me make things smoother – for instance I want to store 2 variables that allow me to multiply points and values by different amounts. Currently I just go into the php file and manually type in the number I want (ie. {$points/5} to multiply/divide the saved variables by…and it outputs the desired result. I could probably just save two fields somewhere in a table and then call them into the php file and just make them updateable from the front end.

Stuff like this. The site is very big, but very organized…so as long as you do this while I’m online assisting you, it would be quick and easy money (a coder last night just did 3 huge changes for me in 5 minutes…it took him 55 minutes though to just listen to my original instructions because he just assumed it wasn’t that easy, so he kept going into files that didn’t matter). I’m an advanced level VB coder, so I know the OOP logic – I’m just not good at PHP. I have simple GChat or Yahoo IM.

If you do this project well, I have a HUGE one immediately following.

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